Please review the following policies before applying.
Participation is open to private individuals, groups, businesses and organizations.
A maximum of 50 entries will be allowed.
Two entry types are available:
Single Scarecrow: One scarecrow built on a stake provided by WCWCD. Location will be determined by garden staff. An additional small prop may be included within a 24” radius of the stake. Garden staff will install the scarecrow, though you can put finishing touches on once it’s in place.
Scarecrow Scene: Multiple scarecrows in a themed setting. Location is reserved in advance to allow planning for terrain and vegetation. Scenes may fill a maximum width of 10’. Depth will be dependent on terrain and vegetation. Three stakes are provided by WCWCD, or you can develop your own method. You are responsible for installation and dismantling of your scene. See map below for scene locations.
Participation fees to cover event costs (i.e. signage, stakes, lighting) are set at the following rates:
- Single Scarecrow: $20
- Scarecrow Scene: $30
- Fees will be waived for private individuals who are not promoting any business or organization.
Entries should be suitable for all ages.
WCWCD reserves the right to deny exhibition privileges to any entry considered to be offensive or done in poor taste.
Preservation of plants is vital. All displays must avoid damaging plants. Spider webbing may not be attached to foliage. Tree trunks and woody branches are acceptable.
Scarecrows should be made of durable, fade resistant and weatherproof materials. All accessories should be securely fastened with wire, zip ties or equivalent to withstand windy conditions. Duct tape is insufficient.
Any scarecrows re-used from previous years should be updated or modified.
Items that disintegrate in the sun or rain, carved pumpkins and/or other materials that will not last until November 1 are discouraged. (i.e. paper, cardboard, duct tape, etc.)
Any audio devices should be less than 70 decibels and must be timed or motion activated. Sound should not be constantly playing.
LED spotlights will be installed at each display by garden staff. You may use your own custom lighting as long as they are LED bulbs. No other items may be plugged in without prior approval.
Business/organization logos will be printed and displayed by garden staff. Additional branding should be emphasized through scarecrow theming rather than free-standing signs.
Relevant promotional signs (i.e. social media contests, hashtags, themed signs, etc.) associated with an entry shall be limited to one sign no larger than 18” x 24”.
Avoid large banners or backdrops that act as a wind sail.
Representatives may not actively promote their organizations in-person.
Flyers and brochures may not be distributed with an entry.
- Step 1: Apply using the link below by Friday, September 27. Once you’ve received confirmation from our team, you will receive a link where you can pay the entry fee and submit your logo (if applicable).
- Step 2: Pick-up your scarecrow stakes between September 9 and October 4 from the Washington County Water Conservancy District (WCWCD) office (533 E. Waterworks Dr., St. George).
- Step 3: Create!
- Step 4: Deliver & Install
- Single-scarecrow participants: please deliver your scarecrow to the WCWCD office October 3-4 or to Red Hills Desert Garden on October 7 between 8 am and 5 pm
- Scarecrow scene participants: please set-up your display at Red Hills Desert Garden, in your assigned area on October 7 or before noon on October 8
- Step 5: Share your scarecrow: encourage family and friends to visit October 8-31 and share on social media using #rhdgscarecrowwalk
- Step 6: Pick-up your scarecrow from the garden on November 1. Unclaimed scarecrows will be recycled and/or saved for future use, depending on their condition.

Applicants will be added to a wait list and contacted only if space becomes available. Thank you.