Business & Growth

Washington County’s population increased nearly 30 percent during the last decade. State’s projections estimate the county’s population will more than double by 2065 maintaining Washington’s position as Utah’s fastest growing county.

The climate, economic diversity, low unemployment rate and access to world-class recreational, cultural, educational and social amenities have earned Washington County and its municipalities a top spot on many national “best of” lists.

Growth of this magnitude necessitates proactive, long-term planning to secure and develop the necessary water supplies to support the growing population and economy.

Most large water developments take decades to complete, requiring water managers to plan 50 years into the future. Failure to do so jeopardizes the economic stability of the community.

The district’s current projects are outlined in its Impact Fee Facilities Plan, which is updated periodically.

Water conservancy districts do not set policy or have the authority to control or regulate growth. The district’s work is driven by the plans adopted by the citizens through their elected public officials.