Wastewater -> Instructions for Wastewater for a Single/Lot/Parcel
Instructions for wastewater for a single lot/parcel:
- Applicant fills out Wastewater Application Form and Certification for Onsite Waste Water Systems for Single Lot/Parcel. All information on the form must be filled out, including the parcel number and exact name on parcel (individual, corporation or trust)
- The district reviews the application to ensure septic density requirements are met
- The district prepares and delivers an initial letter to Southwest Utah Public Health Department (SWUPHD)
- Upon issuance of a septic system permit by Southwest Utah Public Health Department, the applicant returns to the district to finalize application with 1.) the septic system permit, 2.) wastewater petition signed by the owners and 3.) payment of a $400 administration fee per lot or unit
- The district signs the final certification on the application; applicant takes the application to Washington County Community Development for the issuance of a building permit